The foundation of success for every Olympia gymnast is based on their mental wellness, physical preparation (nutrition & hydration, rest & recovery), functional movement, flexibility, strength, and then the skills. In that order.
Parents often ask “how can I help my daughter improve?” She loves it so much, how can I help her? Olympia loves that we have so many athletes with so much love for the sport and so many amazing parents that support their dreams!
THE key to success starts with a strong foundation.
Xcel ProgramCompetitive excel team
provides a safe loving environment where athletes learn mental toughness, proper nutrition, recovery techniques, physical, mental, and emotional strength, and flexibility through the sport of gymnastics. The Xcel Program is an alternative USA Gymnastics competitive program offering flexibility to gymnasts of varying abilities and commitment levels and the opportunity for a rewarding gymnastics experience. Olympia offers opportunities in Xcel Competitive Levels Bronze-Diamond.WOMEN'S COMPETITIVE TEAM
Development ProgramWomen's competitive team
provides a safe loving environment where athletes learn mental toughness, proper nutrition, recovery techniques, physical, mental, and emotional strength, and flexibility through the sport of gymnastics. The Women’s Development Program was created with the belief that all athletes must have a solid foundation of basic skills in order to advance safely. Olympia offers opportunities in all three major segments: developmental (Levels 1 & 2), Compulsory (Levels 3-5), and Optional (Levels 6-10).ELITE TRAINING
Training ProgramElite team training program
provides a safe loving environment where athletes learn mental toughness, proper nutrition, recover techniques, physical, mental, and emotional strength and flexibility through the sport of gymnastics. The Elite Training Program includes the TOP, HOPES, and Elite programs. All are designed to provide competitive experiences for athletes aspiring to be on the National Team. These three programs have very specific expectations and milestones and require tremendous commitment.